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299 Bahraini Figures Sign Petition Demanding Release of Ibrahim Sharif

2023-12-27 - 2:03 am

Bahrain Mirror: 299 Bahrainis from various sectors have signed a petition calling on the government of Bahrain to immediately release prominent dissident and former secretary general of Wa'ad, Ibrahim Sharif.

They affirmed in the petition that "Sharif practiced a purely peaceful act and a right guaranteed by the Constitution, the National Action Charter and all international conventions related to freedom of opinion and expression and human rights, such as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the International Covenants on Civil and Political Rights and Economic Rights, which the Bahraini government signed." They recalled that they are "charters and treaties that are against restricting freedom of opinion and expression."

They pointed out that "Sharif's view on the Palestinian cause and the war of genocide and ethnic cleansing practiced by the Zionist occupation forces and their mercenaries is the same view of the overwhelming majority of the Bahraini people, who stand on the right side of history, with the Palestinian people and their just cause."

They said: "Sharif's tweets did not go beyond the context of the tweets, statements and articles of dozens of figures, individuals and institutions, including the Bahraini National Initiative against Normalization with the Zionist Enemy, which issued a statement on December 18, 2023, signed by 26 civil and political societies, which included clear paragraphs in its content consistent with Sharif's tweets."

The figures noted that "the immediate release of Sharif is in line with the decisive popular position which supports the people of Palestine and stand against the policy of alliances that harm the national security of our country."

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