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Sheikh Al-Daihi: Sheikh Ali Salman Not Only Dissident, But Symbol of Human Dignity

2023-12-28 - 6:17 p

Bahrain Mirror: The Deputy Secretary-General of the Al-Wefaq Society, Sheikh Hussein Al-Daihi, stressed that "what is happening to the society's Secretary-General, detained Sheikh Ali Salman, and other free people in the prisons of injustice is nothing but a black page in the history of Bahrain which tyrants seek to write with poisoned pens, but they forgot that the ink of pens of people of Bahrain is made of blood of martyrs and steadfastness."

Sheikh Al-Daihi said in posts via "X" platform on the 9th anniversary of Sheikh Salman's arrest, that "Sheikh Ali Salman stands under Bahrain's sky as a deep-rooted palm tree, embracing with his soul hope and determination. He is a symbol of patience and sacrifice. He defies the storms of injustice with a bold and unrelenting heart."

"In the eyes of Sheikh Salman, there is a story of a nation that longs for justice, and in his words, there is an echo of the groans of people dreaming of a better future."

He continued: "We will not forget and we will not be silent, and we will not stop until Sheikh Ali Salman and all prisoners of conscience get their freedom," as "freedom is a trust in our necks, and the struggle for it is a duty that does not know relent," reiterating calls to "free Sheikh Ali Salman and every free voice that seeks a better world."

He drew attention to the fact that "Sheikh Ali Salman was not just a man or a political dissident, but rather he was a symbol of human dignity and pursuit of a just society," stressing that "his arrest was nothing but stark evidence of the fear of truth and justice and the authorities' fear of a voice that expresses the hopes and aspirations of an entire people."

Sheikh Al-Daihi considered that "the prisons that hold Sheikh Salman's body cannot imprison his free soul, as his ideas roam the world inspiring generations, illuminating the paths of struggle with the light of hope and faith." He noted that "Sheikh Ali Salman is not just a name, but a flag fluttering in the sky of dignity, declaring that the right does not die and that humanity is not defeated."

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